The great thing about Isometric seniors exercise is that it can be performed virtually anywhere.

The great thing about Isometric seniors exercise is that it can be performed virtually anywhere. From the bed to the lounge chair –once you understand isometrics, a door frame or a wash cloth can become your whole gym. An entire workout you can perform in less than 5 minutes will leave you energized, strong and resilient. Where can you train? Let’s look at some of the ease places to apply isometric seniors exercise . You’ll never have to leave your room. So lousy weather is no excuse. You don’t need a gym membership and you don’t need equipment

For seniors there isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” workout regimen. Some seniors are incredibly fit and active, and others not so much, due to health issues and injuries. Regardless of your fitness level, there are several rules of thumb when considering various exercises.Keep it low-impact: I know we just mentioned a marathon. but running takes a toll on your body… up to 2,000 strides per mile, each inflicting 3 to 4 times your body weight, per stride.

Take care of your back: Exercises like leg presses, upright rows, dead lifts, and even stomach crunches can strain your back and keep you from doing any exercise at all.

Remember you’re stiff: If you’re a senior you know how tight, stiff, and achy your joints and muscles can get. Be sure and stretch first and avoid high intensity workouts, like plyometrics.

Expand your mind: Just because your grandfather lifted rocks to stay fit doesn’t mean it’s good for you. New technologies can change the way you exercise… for the better.


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