For decades, scientists have recognized strength training as the most effective method for those over 50 to combat bone and muscle loss, extend life, avoid falls, improve metabolism, control blood sugar, and sustain functionality.

As we age, strength training becomes crucial for maintaining health and independence. A new study shows exercise is even more effective than medication at treating depression and anxiety. One exceptionally beneficial type of strength training for older adults is functional strength training.

Functional strength training incorporates natural movement patterns we use daily like squatting, lunging and twisting. It uses full range of motion, emphasizes unilateral movements, and is tailored to an individual's lifestyle. This type of training prepares people for daily activities and keeps them moving longer.  

The key is progressive overload - gradually increasing the challenge over time by using heavier weights and more difficult movements. This builds muscle and bone density critical for strength and injury prevention. Although some older adults underestimate their abilities, functional strength training allows impressive achievements like deadlifting heavy weights or competing in obstacle course races.

With guidance from an experienced coach, older adults can safely enjoy functional training benefits. Benefits outweigh risks for most people, especially with modifications for injuries and limitations. Starting with bodyweight exercises, everyone can begin building strength from their current fitness level. By embracing strength training, older adults will be amazed at what their bodies can accomplish at any age.

The key is to start where you are, find support, and progressively challenge yourself. Functional strength training empowers older adults to stay active, independent, and healthy for years to come.


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