
Showing posts from July, 2024

SUGAR THE NEW EVIL-upcoming book!

  BOOK RELEASING THIS WINTER! The  Health Implications   Let's dive into the not-so-sweet world of sugar's health implications. Buckle up, because this is going to be one wild ride through the human body, and trust me, sugar leaves its sticky fingerprints everywhere. Now, we've all heard that too much sugar isn't great for us. But do we really understand why? Let's break it down, organ by organ, system by system. Because sugar doesn't just go straight to your hips  –  it's got a whole itinerary planned for your body, and it's not exactly a relaxing vacation. 1.     The Obesity Connection: More Than Just Empty Calories Let's start with the obvious one  –  obesity. Now, you might be thinking, "Duh, sugar makes you fat." But it's not just about the calories. Sugar, especially fructose, messes with your hormones in a way that other calories don't. Here's the deal: when you consume sugar, particularly in liquid form (I'm looking


  How many calories do you burn from daily activities? A person’s activity level has much to do with the number of calories they need daily.  Many people think they must exercise hard to burn calories throughout the day. While exercise burns many calories, your body also burns calories as you do daily tasks. How much you burn has to do with how much you weigh. For example, people may burn close to the following in  30 minutes   of doing these tasks based on their weight:


  Why Stretching Matters for Desk Workers   Before we jump into the specific stretches, let's talk about why stretching is so crucial for those of us who spend our days hunched over keyboards:   1.         Posture Problems : Sitting for long periods can lead to poor posture. Stretching helps counteract this by loosening tight muscles and encouraging proper alignment.   2.         Muscle Tension : When we sit in the same position for hours, certain muscles can become tense and shortened. Stretching helps relieve this tension and maintain muscle flexibility.   3.         Circulation Boost : Stretching gets your blood flowing, which is especially important when you're not moving around much during the day.   4.         Stress Relief : A good stretch can help release physical and mental tension, leaving you feeling more relaxed and focused.   5.         Injury Prevention : Regular stretching can help prevent common office-related injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome or