Beginner's Guide to Pilates: 5 Essential Exercises


If you're looking to get back into exercise, Pilates is an excellent choice. As a low-impact form of exercise, it requires minimal equipment and can be done from anywhere. According to Pilates instructor Catherine Radford, it's particularly beginner-friendly and helps build strength while improving mobility, posture, and coordination.

What You'll Need

  • A mat, towel, or blanket to cushion your knees
  • A comfortable space to move

The Workout

Perform this sequence for 2-3 rounds. Practice regularly to build strength and flexibility over time.

1. Cat-Cow Stretch

Benefits: Improves spinal flexibility and strengthens core muscles


  1. Start on hands and knees, shoulders over wrists and hips over knees
  2. Begin in a neutral spine position, gazing down
  3. Exhale: Round your back upward (Cat)
    • Tuck chin to chest
    • Draw belly button toward spine
  4. Inhale: Arch your back (Cow)
    • Drop belly toward floor
    • Lift tailbone and chest
  5. Perform for 3-5 breath cycles, moving smoothly between positions

Key Tip: Focus on "articulation" - moving each vertebra sequentially for maximum benefit

2. Roll Down

Benefits: Improves spinal mobility and stretches back muscles


  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms at sides
  2. Inhale to prepare
  3. Exhale: Tuck chin and roll down vertebra by vertebra
    • Let arms hang naturally
    • Fold forward until hands reach floor (or as far as comfortable)
  4. Inhale to prepare
  5. Exhale: Roll back up slowly, one vertebra at a time
  6. Finish by lifting head last
  7. Repeat 3-4 times

3. Pelvic Tilt

Benefits: Engages core and releases lower back tension


  1. Lie on back, knees bent, feet flat and hip-width apart
  2. Place arms at sides, palms down
  3. Inhale deeply
  4. Exhale:
    • Engage abdominals
    • Pull belly button toward spine
    • Flatten lower back into mat
    • Slightly lift tailbone
  5. Inhale: Return to neutral
  6. Perform 8-10 repetitions

4. The Hundred

Benefits: Builds core strength


  1. Lie on back
  2. Raise legs with knees bent at 90°
  3. Place arms at sides, palms down
  4. Inhale to prepare
  5. Exhale:
    • Lift head, neck, and shoulders
    • Gaze at thighs
    • Keep lower back pressed into mat
  6. Lift arms parallel to floor
  7. Pulse arms in small, controlled movements
  8. Breathe in for 5 counts, out for 5 counts
  9. Complete 5 full breath cycles

Note: For an easier version, see modifications in the Pilates hundred guide

5. Single-Leg Stretch

Benefits: Improves stability, flexibility, and core strength


  1. Lie on back
  2. Pull knees to chest
  3. Lift head, neck, and shoulders off mat
  4. Place hands on shins
  5. Inhale to prepare
  6. Exhale: Extend one leg
  7. Inhale: Switch legs
    • Bring extended leg in
    • Reach other leg out
  8. Perform 8-10 repetitions

Tips for Success

  • Keep your core engaged throughout all exercises
  • Move with your breath
  • Focus on proper form rather than speed
  • Listen to your body and modify as needed
  • Practice regularly for best results


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