The Top 5 Exercises for Increasing Forearms There are any number of exercises that can help you focus your forearms to increase the overall strength of these muscle groups. These exercise target the specialized muscles of the forearm. The top 5 forearm exercises have been put together to eliminate a lot of time and wasted energy on ineffective workouts. These workouts will focus on minimal movement while maximizing the focus. 1. Barbell Wrist Curls Like many of the top 5 forearm exercises listed here, the barbell wrist curl is an extremely effective workout that targets the flexor muscles of the forearm. It can be done using an appropriate machine or a weighted barbell. Sit on a bench or at the machine. Rest your forearms on your thighs with palms up as you hold the barbell. Using only your hands and your wrists you will curl the barbell up toward the ceiling as high as you can lift. When you lower the barbell under control, allow it to roll into the nook of your fing...